Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tonga - Day 1 (Wellington - Auckland - Tongatapu)

Travel day. Spent the morning packing an flying from Wellington to Auckland. It only took an hour so I had plenty of time to kill before my 5pm flight to Nuku'Alofa, Tonga. To my pleasant surprise the first game of the NBA finals was on TV in the airport terminal so time flew by. Once I boarded the three hour flight to Tonga things really just kept moving - Ratatouille was the in-flight movie so that helped. Upon arriving in Tonga the weather was perfect - warm but not humid. However, upon talking with the guides at my hostel - Toni's Guesthouse - I was gutted to hear it wasn't whale season till July. The waters were too warm and they would most likely show up later in June through July. Oh well - we weren't about to let that dampen our spirits and turned to snorkelling and island hoping the next few days!

This was our room the first night - yes those are 
mosquito nets and yes it is hot pink and lime green... 
$7 USD/night - I'm not complaining
Don't worry - I actually slept great!

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