Thursday, March 3, 2011


In case there was any confusion about which university I'm at now, Victoria is where I'll be studying. Massey housing is where my accommodations are. Its about a 20-25 minute walk to campus everyday but oh well, at least for the moment I don't mind it that much.

Bought my books for my classes today and hope to hear soon whether or not the classes I chose will transfer back as Drake credits, and more specifically to an AOI or general ed. course.

In case you haven't heard Wellington had yet another earthquake yesterday. Nothing like the one in Christchurch but it was a 4.7 - even larger than the first just two days ago. It really doesn't bother me because I felt dozens of these while in Christchurch but for the people of Wellington - who HAVEN'T HAD ONE earthquake in 20 years (until we arrived from Christchurch) and then get two in three days - that can be a little creepy. All of us from Chch just look at each other in amazement and say "are you kidding me?"

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