Monday, March 21, 2011

Land of the Long White Cloud

The Maori's have a word for this that they taught us up in Auckland over Orientation but I forgot it of course. I just remember the English translation. As of now Wellington has definitely been backing this up as the clouds here are so low to the ground, move so fast and yes, basically cover Wellington all day long. Take today for instance. It could have been the long 'gray' cloud due to all the rain but I've never seen clouds so low. Victoria University is up on the hill - not a big hill but probably 100 feet higher than my housing and I couldn't see the rest of Wellington because Vic was covered with the clouds! It was really cool walking back because I walked from complete cloud coverage to being able to see the city out of nowhere. Very odd and hopefully something I don't see everyday (more of dismal day than I want) but apparently the fall and winter brings a lot of rain...

By the way I asked what was do before spring break this year and all the Kiwi's laughed at me for saying spring. Obviously I'm American to them now because they have a mid-semester or fall break...Good One.

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