Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mid-Semester Break Pressure?

Only a week and two days are all that remains of the first half of this first trimester here in NZ. Up till this point things have been fairly relaxed with relatively few pressing assignments or exams. The first graded assignment was given back today in one of my history classes actually. I got a 71%, which in NZ terms is a B+...guess it goes to show just how difficult grading can be here. I'm happy with that - all I need is a passing grade in the end. Coming up before break though I have one essay and one exam - nothing too bad. My bigger worries lie after break however, with three 2500 word essays all due within two week after break...Puts me in a bit of a jam  considering I'll be gone for the last 10 days of break on my South Island excursion that I cannot wait for! I guess its about time studying and school get serious haha

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