Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Almost There

Just putting the finish touches on my end of the semester project which I hope to post here once I arrive back home this weekend. I'll save the summarizing post for tomorrow since it is technically the last day tomorrow. But for now I'd like to once again thank Lauren Gabbell and TEAN for booking our shuttle to the airport tomorrow - yet another expenses paid inclusion from them. Tremendous.

Another thing is that I'll start preparing for a TEAN student ambassador position shortly but receiving the e-mail was kinda sad in a way. It was titled TEAN - alumni for crying out loud which means I've been through a study abroad semester already and my time here is done! I've also been on TEAN's facebook page and I see kids going through the same trip planning and process as I went through just 5 months ago. Uhhh its absolutely crazy!

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