Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11th

Big day today - Brandon's birthday (my cousin for those who don't know), Abby's wedding (another cousin), and my walk up to Mount Victoria. But first, Happy Birthday Bran and congratulations to Abby and Brenton on their wedding today. Wish I could be there for the festivities and family reunion!

For me I spent the morning at the Sunday market and then walked up Mount Victoria finally. The trek was a lot of fun, great workout and scenery was beautiful. At the top there was a complete 360 degree view of Wellington's Upper and Lower Huts, along with views into the bay and ocean.

I heard the strangest yet coolest bird
sounds in this forest 

This was their way of keeping time back before
watches were invented. Someone would walk
up Mount Vic everyday and shoot off a canon at
noon so people would know what time it was

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