Friday, March 11, 2011


Arrived yesterday and basically got a small taste of the city, chilled out with some friends from Wellington, cooked up some pasta and pizza and watched Top Gun at "Cactus Jacks". That is the name of the hostel we're staying at for only $18/night. Its a great deal since they supply a pool, pool table, free internet access and other discount vouchers for great activities around Rotorua. Oh ya they have tons of DVD's available  for rent as well and since I hadn't seen that in a year or so it was due for a viewing haha.

This morning we got picked up by the sledging company who drove us for only 15 minutes to get to the river. After a short safety talk and strapping in of the gear we were all ready to ride down the rapids head first! It was an incredible time - a workout as well. Basically we hopped into the river on these plastic boards that kept us afloat and listened to our guides about how to go down the rapid without severly injuring ourselves. The toughest part was moving in the current because it was at the highest allowable water level for commercial use like we were doing - it was MOVING. There were about 6 or 7 rapids that we went through, each with its own set of turns and dropoffs. It went quick altogether but the entire thing was a blast and the Kiwi's who guided us were awesome. We bought some pictures that I hope to have uploaded shortly! Just a note about if you got too far off course - at the end of the last rapid there was a level 6 waterfall (out of 7) that had killed 20 people because they drifted down river and over it....Luckily for us we all went through safely and enjoyed every minute of it. The scenery around us was just extraordinary as well - couldn't see it anywhere else! "Sweet-as" New Zealand!

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